A Time for New Life Patterns
Are you cutting life from the same old patterns and habits, yet constantly frustrated because life keeps handing you the same old problems?
Maybe it’s time to create new patterns for your life or consider giving up patterns entirely so you can make choices based on the merits of each unique situation.
If people keep worming their way into your life business, maybe you need to create stronger boundaries.
If your relationships start great and end up sour, it’s time to choose a different kind of partner or change how you relate.
If you feel like a doormat that everyone walks over, it’s time to take a class to learn how to set boundaries.
If you have energy crashes all day and can’t sleep at night but follow a pattern of starting the day with an espresso, snacking on cookies and treats to get through the afternoon, and finishing the day with a beer or two glasses of wine, it’s time to change your diet plan.
Following the same patterns of choice and behavior we have always followed,
while expecting a better result,
is illogical, and guarantees frustration, depression, and fatigue.
Break up your life patterns. Try something different.
Start small, gain confidence, and expand into new horizons. Wear a new color of shirt. Redecorate a room. Go to a new restaurant. Walk your dog in a different park. Invite a friend to go hear a local band. Rather than forging ahead, make a ninety-degree turn to the right and see where it takes you. Instead of saying, “This is the way I do it”, say “I’m going to do it differently this time.”
Nothing nurtures a sense of helplessness as much as failing to follow our own wisdom.
Life won’t change until you do. When you do, that places you in charge. It’s liberating!