I’m Vacuuming! Someone Rescue Me!
For some inexplicable reason, I woke up this morning yearning to vacuum. This is not normal. I avoid vacuuming whenever possible. My family knows I am highly creative in this area of life.
What’s up with this?
Is it because I spilled food on the carpet that needs cleaned up? Nope.
Am I angry, so I grabbed the vacuum to shove around while I rant and rave it out of my system? Nope.
Is company coming? Nope.
Is it to cover the noise of my next door neighbor’s stereo throbbing across the yard? Nope – she’s at work.
Did I just watch a DIY home makeover video? Nope.
Is it to burn off calories from the cinnamon roll I ate yesterday? Nope – I ate that guilt-free.
I think it’s because I want to create more order in my life. It’s time to hit my refresh key.
When I vacuum, I move furniture around, consider new arrangements, toss out clutter I’ve accumulated, and put clothes away. I open the window, let in fresh air, and breathe deeper. As I clean, sort, and toss, new ideas pop into my head. My creative juices start flowing. I feel more in-charge. I become the Doer instead of the One-Who-Is-Done-to. I become lighter.
Life’s like that.
When we clean out, get rid of, toss, re-organize, and re-consider, we make order in our mind. We move through our environment with more ease. Walking through life, we no longer carry the weight of old emotional and mental debris – not to mention physical unworkability. Possibilities arise. We find the flow.
This is sounding good. Time for the next step.
Dusting is a possibility. Cobwebs on the ceiling corners - nah - I’m not that ambitious.
Hmm…maybe its time to take a break for another cinnamon roll…