Transformation Mentoring

Are you seeking to discover the REAL you? Who are you beneath the accumulated baggage of life that we all gather as we go along? If you could discard the confusion, uncertainty, beliefs that no longer feel right, and the self-talk that compromises and limits your joy, who are you?

When we awaken and set out to discover our true self and reset our life path, it can be overwhelming. The advice we find may be contradictory and unclear. What works for someone else doesn’t fit right for us. Congratulations - you are onto a deep truth.

Only YOU know what is right for your journey.

You’ll be delighted to know there is no “right” way to walk this path. There is trial, error, learning from mistakes, making progress with one step, and then realizing it is time to let that one go and try a newer one.

If you have a deep desire to find self-liberation and you are ready to commit to dedicated action to accomplish it, I can help.

I don’t offer a pre-defined set of methods. You and I together find the best options for your next step, starting from right where you are. Together, we will take it forward from there. I utilize practices, concepts, and methods from a wide spectrum of traditions and teachings. No two clients receive the same support - yours is customized to you, adjusting as we go along.

My assistance comes from the soul-cosmic level.

You will make changes in your human choices, based on the truth of who you are - a soul who came to this life to learn and to help others. There is no judgment of what is good or bad. There is an assessment of what works and doesn’t work, and how to shift to a more productive, joyful, and fulfilling life.

I don’t heal your life. That is your responsibility.

I help you find your path, your way. My mentoring is non-judgmental and empowering. I ask of you that you be willing to consider new perspectives, try new processes that you feel make sense, and coach you toward shifting your life.

I respect diversity, equity. I welcome all authentic spiritual, religious, secular, and cultural traditions. Clients have included most Christian traditions, Indigenous Americans, Jewish, Pagan, Vedic, and Atheist as well as a wide variety of cultures.

Mentoring can be via Zoom, Skype, or phone. If you happen to live near Fort Wayne Indiana, we can meet in my office. You are not required to sign up for a package of consultations. After each consultation, we will discuss what step to take next. Many clients are sufficiently helped in the first meeting and contact me later as the need arises.

The fee is $85/hour, with $15 for each additional 15-minute interval if pre-agreed in any session. Payable through PayPal.

If you are interested, contact me. We will schedule a phone discussion first to clarify if I am the right person to assist you and if agreed, we then schedule your first consultation.

May your journey be filled with a willingness to self-assess, learn, find the possibilities, and find joy in the simple things in life.

It’s time to stop being a victim. You are worthy and you deserve a fulfilled life!


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